Happy Ghouls to You
Happy Ghouls to You my sweets. Wahaha.
Speaking of sweets, do you have everything ready for the little ghouls tonight? No need to buy expensive chocolates. A few scraps, last-minute punches and glue dots will make lollipops special.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Lollipops (I used Tiger Pops)
- Paper Scraps
- Punches
- Stamps (optional)
- White Pen or Googly Eyes (Optional)
- Glue Dots or Sticky Strip
Get creative and use the items you have on hand. I’ve even put a baggy of little plastic spiders and snakes together with one of these decorations and the kids love them!
Now go… start punching!
Happy Ghouls to you!
Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t. No street lights or sidewalks and too much distance between houses. But… sometimes we’re surprised so I’d rather be prepared.
Very cute Rae. I hope you and yours had a great night. Here is Australia….I did not get one trick or treat-er….but there were heaps of kids dressed up around the area. ooxx