
Love You A Lot! Paper Pumpkin April 2015 — 1 Comment

  1. That cheesecake sounds divine! Nothing happened at our house which is o.k.. My parents are deceased as is Mike’s mom. I did make a card for my step-mother-in-law and sent it to her. My four legged fur baby decided we needed to do some walks. I guess that is one of the problems of not having kids but is o.k. too – kids just weren’t in the cards for us. There are a lot worse things!

    I just might have to CASE the men’s shirt card with my PP. My FIL loves having coffee with his buddies so now he expects gift cards for his coffee and he can buy a round of coffee now and then! The card will easily slip in there. I will keep the hers in mind too!

    Hope your husband is doing better!

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