
New Hues Review — 23 Comments

  1. Rae…love the French knots for the flower centers! That is cleaver! I do like the Hello Honey with the Blackberry Bliss. To bad you live too far away, I’d have loved a piece of that pie! Thanks for all your help and patience in showing me how to participate in this blog hop!
    I feel a kinship and am grateful for your time! Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Love the beautiful simplicity of your card design….from the Blackberry Bliss (also my favorite In Color) to the beautiful ribbon centers of your flowers…plain and simple and awesome!

  3. Oh my goodness, Rae, I couldn’t stand it when I saw that pie early this morning~it made me so hungry!! Clever, clever! And your card is gorgeous. Love the idea of the ribbon centers!

  4. 1) Love your flower centers!
    2) Love your watercolor technique and thanks for the how-to.
    3) Love that tone-on-tone with the paper doily.
    4) I WANT SOME PIE! 🙂
    Great card, as always, Rae!

  5. LOVE this card, Rae!!!! And your flower centers are perfect french knots from the ribbon… what a sweet idea. Fantastic watercoloring also, but that is not a surprise from you!! This is a definite CASE card as well as a wonderful inspiration for other sets… off to pin….

  6. Stunning card and I agree with Kelly – those flower centers are creative and original. As a cross stitcher it made me think of all those french knots done for flower centers…

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