
Paper Pumpkin January 2014 — 5 Comments

  1. Pingback:Trendy Tuesday – Pretty Paper Doilies :: Paper Crafter's Library

  2. Love how you combined the doily with the trendy shapes! I want to feature one of your doily cards for upcoming Trendy Tuesday post for the blog at Paper Crafters Library (doily is the feature on Feb 11). You can ck out the blog here: The image will credit you & link back to your blog as well. If you do not wish to be featured, just let me know. Great work!

  3. I liked the crumb cake side bu it seemed like a waste for the stripes so I planned on cutting mine apart and using them differently. I love looking for alternatives for the kits. Hope you heal quickly and fully!

    • Me too Chris. I’d love to see your samples. Thank you so much for the well-wishes. My biggest disappointment with the accident was not getting my Christmas cards out, including yours. However, the joys of having so many people send thoughts and prayers out-weigh the disappointment. This is the first holiday season where I had to completely sit back and let my family and close friends take over. A real lesson in letting go. 🙂

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