
Quatre Who? Pals Blog Hop June 2013 — 26 Comments

  1. I love this to bits Rae, I am with Carol….and am curious as to the dimensions of your wee creation. We don’t get Hershey Kisses much here in Australia, but I am sure I could find something else to accomodate. Thanks for sharing something so sweet!! ooxx

  2. Brilliant, Rae. The inside messages are just the greatest touch to an already inspired gift. It just screams – “Celebration Sophisticate!”

  3. Wow, wow and wow. I love, love and love it. Brilliant! I love the boxes and the curled DSP for a bowl. Nicely done. Great job! Thank you for sharing.

  4. A wow container! And love the curly ribbon additions! Would love to have the tutorial, if you would please share! Thank you..great project!

  5. What a beautiful gift box filled with goodies! Like the use of the window sheet and curling the paper for ribbon. Again, another great idea!!!

  6. LOVE, love, love this, Rae! And I agree with the interest that the DSP curls give it! A perfect centerpiece!

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