
Wild West Creamy Fudge — 5 Comments

    • Help rae! My cookbook is at the other home somewhere I did not pack it in my roving suitcase! I need the recipe please.

  1. Pingback:National Fudge Day! | Wild West Paper Arts

  2. Rae, loved the weeks 11 and 12 those are fantastic. I’ve been raking my brain to come up with other occassions for them, these are going to be fun. And I can’t wait for the fudge recipe:)

    • Thank you Norma! I’ve made a few ahead for kids birthdays. Trying to work out an Jack In The Box type gift. Regarding the fudge…. just make sure you follow the instructions to the letter. It’s more about the prep than it is the recipe. People tend to cook fudge too long which makes it “sugar”.

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